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5 strange and unexpected cat facts

Cats are renowned for their oddities and strange behavior. Although while many cat enthusiasts believe they are experts on their feline companions, many people are still unaware of a number of strange and interesting facts about cats. Here are the top ten oddest cat facts.

1.Cats have a sixth sense, for one.
The fact that cats’ senses are more acute gives them the astonishing capacity to sense vibrations and frequencies that people are unable to notice, even though this trait is not scientifically known as having a “sixth sense.” For instance, they are able to feel minute air changes, which enables them to smell danger approaching or even reportedly perceive earthquakes before people can.

2. Cats are ‘milk junkies’
Although most cats enjoy milk, not all cats can adequately digest it. It’s advisable to give milk to cats in moderation because excessive milk consumption can upset certain cats’ digestive systems.

3. Cats have night vision.
The tapetum lucidum, a layer of cells in cats, reflects light back through the retina, enabling them to see them to see in low-light conditions – the reason their eyes seem to glow in the dark.

4. Cats’ claws are retractable.
Cats, unlike dogs, can lengthen and retract their claws as they like. They may thus climb trees and capture prey without risking damage to their claws.

5. Cats can hunt effectively.
Cats are innate hunters, and they are fearsome predators thanks to their keen senses and rapid reflexes. They are considered to be very good at catching rodents and are capable of catching prey with extraordinary speed and agility.