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Google announced at the end of the week that it is discontinuing support for a new round of products. Owners of the Nest Secure and Dropcam devices have a year to find replacements or hope that Google will provide them with a free or discounted replacement.

Google explained in a Nest community post that the Nest Secure and Dropcam devices are now outdated and that they’ve created better products or partnered with other companies to provide better experiences that they’d rather you use. The shutdown date for both lines of devices has been set for April 8, 2024.

Google says that all Nest Secure features will continue to work until April 8, 2024, and that you can use the device until then just as you have been. Nest Secure will be removed from the Nest app once you have been disconnected.

They don’t want you to be without security after they cut you off. To compensate for the discontinuation, Google will contact you and offer you a Self Setup System from ADT worth up to $485. If that doesn’t appeal to you, you can substitute $200 in Google Store credit.

ADT and Google announced this new Self Setup product a week ago, and the premium version can be seen below. This new system includes a hub, a new ADT app, and the ability to connect to various sensors (motion, temperature, smoke, window/door, and so on).