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8-year-oId girI tortured to death by famiIy, cops screamed in disbeIief when they found her diary and read the chiId’s Iast words!

Prosecutors said that for the poor 8-year-old girl, GizzeI, things didn’t end well. Just like many other children, the 8-year-old child was a happy, curious and smart little girl.

She loved school and enjoyed making new friends. As with many kids her age, she kept a diary. Only, the rows in her diary weren’t filled with love hearts and secret messages about boys she liked.

Instead, the truth revealed in the pages of her diary is so horrible that it’s difficult to read. GizzeI was reportedly found dead in her grandmother’s dirty, pest-riddled apartment. Prosecutors said that the girl was beaten and strangled to death. Read the full story here ▶