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A life lived in conformity with the divine code of human dharma is the key to happiness

Everyone strives to be happy. Material demands keep people on the go all the time in the monotonous grind of life. Humans can find happiness and contentment through wealth, fame, and power, but these things do not consistently lead to fulfillment or bliss because material gains simply serve to increase yearning.

Human pleasure is also attempted to be defined in terms of material factors like per capita income and literacy rate in textual discourse, whether at the individual or communal level. But, experience teaches us that the concept of “human happiness” remains elusive and resists explanation.

This is a result of the fact that we rarely consider life as a whole in our discussions. We disregard the spiritual component of life and just take into account the temporal aspects. Furthermore, the latter is significantly more significant than the ordinary.

The goal of humanity has always been to discover the key of happiness. Man is designed to constantly work toward achieving his goals, and this process continues until there are no more desires left to be satisfied. That is the liberation and salvation of man; there is his final resting place.

Several learned people and academics have written expositions on the topic of happiness. There are dozens of books available that explain how one can fulfill their goals. The proverbial slide between the cup and the lip still exists, though.It can be challenging to put into practice and embrace a theoretical message or blueprint in real life. As time goes on, the current human generation is replaced by the following one. The fundamental nature of the mind is still a mystery, and the secret to happiness is still a mystery.

When everything is in order—the body and the mind are in good health—happiness is a state of mind. It also occurs when cravings, longings, and desires do not cause agitation, frustration, or despair. It also occurs when a person responds to criticism and praise in a balanced manner. It also occurs when a person neither revels in success nor frets over failure. How does man arrive at this condition? Man must live in moderation and regulation while he is trapped in the life-grinding mill.