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After This Distraught Boy Called 911, A Cop Saw His Bedroom And Sprang Into Action

As teenagers, our emotions can often get the better of us for all manner of reasons. In Cameron Simmons’ case, however, he felt he was put so far in 2014 that he called 911 and threatened to run away from his home in South Carolina. After responding to his cry for help, Officer Gaetano Acerra saw the teen’s bedroom and immediately sprang into action.

Living in Sumter, South Carolina, Simmons apparently got into a heated argument with his mother after she shouted at him for playing video games that belonged to his older brother. Clearly distraught by the exchange, the then 13-year-old decided to call 911. While on the phone, the teenager told the authorities that he wanted to get away from his family and their house. Officer Acerra of the Sumter Police Department responded to Simmons’ call, hoping to talk him out of running away. « I said you have it good, you have a roof over your head, and I told him I would try to help him out, and here we are now, » the policeman recalled to NBC affiliate WIS TV in May 2014. Read the full story here ▶