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An Emergency Call Turned Into A Miracle For A Firefighter He Met His Daughter

A firefighter and his wife shared a heartwarming and unforgettable moment when their sixth child, Maxwell Alexander, was born on the floor of an emergency room in Manhattan, Kansas. The incredible birth, which took place in July 2017, has resurfaced as a symbol of resilience and love, capturing the attention of many in 2024 as a story of hope and family unity.

Jessica Hogan, already a mother of five, went into labor unexpectedly at home, just days after feeling irregular contractions with no clear sign of active labor. When her water broke suddenly, she and her husband rushed to the hospital. Upon arriving at the ER, it was clear that time was running out. Less than five minutes after their arrival, baby Maxwell was born right on the floor of the emergency room, weighing six pounds, seven ounces. Read the full story here ▶