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An old man heard babies squeaking from underground. Grabbing the shovel, he could not believe it

Constantine Sergeivich was a widower when he buried his wife, Abdakio Nicolevnu. The ground literally fell from under his feet; he was left alone. All his life, he and his wife lived for themselves. She didn’t want to fall out of life and be bound hand and foot; she was afraid of responsibility. She told him, « Was it wrong to enjoy each other’s company, to travel, to visit new places? » If you have not done so already, please subscribe to our channel and click that notification bell to get inspired by these real-life stories every day. Now back to the story.

They were easygoing and visited different cities with full immersion, which meant renting a flat and starting to live there. Sometimes a couple of months were enough; more often, they stayed for half a year. In a couple of places, they even stayed for two years. Once, could they afford this kind of entertainment if they were burdened with children? Of course not. Kids need school; they have friends. No one agreed to lug around the country following a crazy mom and dad. Read the full story here ▶