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Baby feeding schedule and quantity for a 2-week-old

Mother, practice makes perfect when it comes to feeding your baby, and you’re already doing a great job. Whether you are breastfeeding, formula-feeding, or doing a combination of the two, managing your 2-week-old newborn’s feeding schedule might feel like a part-time job. Just remember that what might seem like work right now will become second nature to you both very quickly. And remember how crucial it is to properly hydrate and fuel your body. This is a list of our favorite one-handed, breastfeeding-friendly snacks.

Be aware that your baby’s feeding windows may be a little wider if you use formula because it is often digested more slowly than breast milk (meaning it takes longer to digest and empty from the stomach).

The responsive feeding strategy, also known as feeding on demand, looks to the infant’s hunger cues to determine when to feed, and is advised by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The timetables listed here are merely examples; to determine when your baby is ready for the next feeding, pay attention to his or her hunger cues. Babies’ hunger cues and feeding schedules start to become a little more predictable as they get older.

Remember, it’s more important that you follow your baby’s cues than adhere to a set schedule, so schedules outlined are general guides of how frequently you’ll feed your baby—not hard-and-fast rules.

These guidelines also apply primarily to infants born full-term and without any underlying medical conditions. For preterm infants, babies with certain medical conditions or for any specific questions pertaining to your child, be sure to consult your child’s pediatrician for a more customized feeding schedule.