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Dad ravished 11-year-oId daughter for hours before schooI, but what he did with a coat hanger after he lmpregnated his chiId made matters even more shocking!

In her book, ‘Who Will Believe You’, the unfortunate woman, Kim, said that when she grew up as a young teen, she always had two uniforms: one for school and one for her father, who plied her with alcohol and r-ped her for hours before she left for school in the morning.

According to Kim, her father, Francis, started r-ping her when she was just 11 years old. At the age of 15, the young teem became pregnant with his child and was pressured into a horrific DIY abortion.

“He told me I would be dissolved in acid if I ever told and that the only that would be left of would be my teeth,” said the now-52-year-old woman in her new book. Read the full story here ▶