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Dallas County residents’ requests for angel trees are granted by the Selma Charity League

Over the course of this year, the Selma Charity League (SCL) has been striving to make Christmas a more joyous occasion for children living in Dallas County. The SCL has been successful in accomplishing its objective of fulfilling the wishes of each and every Angel Tree participant in the county, which was accomplished in collaboration with the Salvation Army. The devoted efforts of the SCL and its members will result in the fulfillment of the Christmas wishes of forty-two children, which is a significant accomplishment. The President of the League, Heidi O’Quinn, expressed her satisfaction with the connection that the organization has with the Salvation Army. According to O’Quinn, “Our objective is to elevate the quality of life for the people living in Selma and Dallas County, and in particular, for the children.” We are so grateful to have the opportunity to make sure that each of these children has a joyful and fortunate Christmas. This is a very unique treat for our members.

This year, the SCL went above and beyond its annual relationship with the Salvation Army by providing assistance in the process of intake for all Angel Tree participants. This was necessary because the Salvation Army did not have the staff to manage intakes on their own. There were members of the League who offered their time to individually reach out to each family and conduct interviews with caregivers in order to guarantee that the Christmas celebrations of each kid were unique and adapted to the interests of the youngster. Due to the fact that the SCL provided such a high degree of individualized attention, they were able to choose presents that were tailored to the particular desires of the children, thereby making their holiday season extremely memorable. Candice Irwin, who is the coordinator of the SCL project, had stressed the significance of this relationship in addressing a significant need that exists within the community. According to Irwin, “an incredible number of the children who are assisted by this partnership would not be able to celebrate Christmas if it were not for the Angel Tree Program.” As a result, this collaboration is of the utmost importance, and our members were thrilled to be able to grant every request that was made in Dallas County for the current year. The Selma Charity League can be reached by visiting their website at This is the best way for community members who wish to make a donation or groups that are interested in asking funding to assist their charitable initiatives to get in touch with the organization.