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Daycare Worker Hangs Toddler With Noose, Lenient Judge Sets Her Free

After a Ukrainian immigrant, working as a daycare provider, hanged a toddler from a noose, she fled when a dad caught her. Then, she hit three people with her van, including a pregnant woman. But, a judge has set her free. When you hear the court’s lame excuse, you’ll understand why people gasped in horror. Is this justice?

Nataliia Karia, a 43-year-old immigrant from Ukraine who provided daycare out of her Minneapolis home, was facing a slew of charges, including attempted murder, third-degree assault, and criminal vehicular operation for hitting a pedestrian, a bicyclist, and another driver as she fled from her home. What’s worse, the woman was fleeing because she had been caught doing the unthinkable to a child in her care. Read the full article here ▶