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Easy spiritual exercises to improve mood and sleep

It is believed that a contented mind can result in a peaceful body, which promotes sleep. AiR Atman in Ravi, a spiritual figure and the creator of the AiR Institute of Realization and the AiR Center of Enlightenment, offers some advice for people who have trouble getting enough sleep each night.
The expert claims that there are some straightforward spiritual practices that one can adhere to in order to open the door to calm and pleasure, which inevitably results in restful sleep. Continue reading to see some of them.

1. Practice meditation

“Meditation is a vital spiritual activity that aids in mind-silence. The mind generates 50 thoughts each minute, or an astounding 50,000 thoughts per day. It leaps as a monkey would from one notion to another. We won’t be able to fall asleep at all if the mind is aroused. Reduce the Mental Thought Rate (MTR) from 50 thoughts per minute to one. Relaxation results from stopping the mind’s constant babbling during meditation. According to the expert, meditation has been shown to aid with insomnia.

2. Adopt the uplifting tenets of spirituality.

He continues by saying that the “good emotions of faith, acceptance, surrender, love, courage, hope, and trust” are the foundation of spirituality. We feel joyful when our negative thoughts and feelings are replaced by positive ones. “If we have positive thoughts while we sleep, if we don’t have anxiety or stress, then we will sleep better.”

3. Yoga

The spiritual teacher claims that yoga is about union with the divine rather than only physical poses, breathing exercises, or pranayama. “Although breathing techniques and asanas will improve our ability to sleep, we must go farther. Dhyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Gyana Yoga, or even Prema Yoga are all forms of yoga that we can practice. If we continue to be in communion with God, we will be peaceful, content, and blissful,” he states.

4. Realise the truth

Spirituality leads us to the ‘realisation of the truth’, says the expert, adding that if we need to realise our true self, our soul, and that God is SIP or the ‘Supreme Immortal Power’ and we are all manifestations of the divine.

“We realise that life is an illusion; we are actors, who come and go. Once we are enlightened, we work as an instrument of the divine. We are liberated from all misery. If we persevere on the path of spirituality, we reach the state of ‘Satchitananda’, where we live in the consciousness of the truth and experience seamless, divine bliss,” the expert concludes.