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Effective Solutions for Stubborn Termite Problems

Termite infestations can cause significant damage to homes and property.

Addressing these infestations promptly is crucial to prevent costly repairs and maintain the integrity of your property.

Professional Solutions for Severe Infestations


Professional solutions are quite numerous, but we will touch upon the most effective ones.


Professional surface treatments involve applying chemicals directly to the affected wood.

These treatments penetrate the wood, killing termites and preventing future infestations.

Safety considerations are crucial, as some chemicals can be hazardous to humans and pets.


Heat treatments involve raising the temperature of the infested area to a level that kills termites.

Professionals use specialized equipment to heat the area to around 120-140°F (49-60°C). This method is effective and non-toxic, making it safe for humans and pets.


Fumigation, often referred to as “termite tenting,” is a comprehensive method for severe infestations.

The process involves covering the structure with a tent and filling it with a gas that kills termites. Safety measures are essential during fumigation, as the gas used is highly toxic.

Signs of Termite Infestation

signs of termite infestation

The next thing is looking at signs of infestation.

Hollow Sounds

When wood is infested with termites, it may produce a hollow sound when tapped. This occurs because they consume the wood from the inside out, leaving a thin veneer of wood that easily breaks.

Frass (Droppings)

Termite droppings, or frass, are small, pellet-like substances that termites push out of their tunnels. Finding frass around wooden structures or furniture is a clear indicator of an infestation.

Visible Damage

Termites can cause visible damage to wood, including buckling, blistering, and holes. The damage may appear as grooves along the grain of the wood, which can weaken the structure significantly.

Discarded Wings

After swarming, termites shed their wings. Finding piles of discarded wings near windowsills, doorways, or other entry points indicates a recent swarm and potential infestation.

DIY Solutions for Control

Exposing termite-infested furniture or wood to direct sunlight can help eliminate them. Termites thrive in dark, moist environments, and sunlight can disrupt their habitat and kill them. Place the affected items in the sun for several hours to increase effectiveness.

Natural oils like orange oil and neem oil are effective against termites. Orange oil contains d-limonene, which is toxic, while neem oil disrupts their growth and reproduction. Apply these oils directly to the affected areas using a spray bottle or brush.


Diatomaceous earth is a natural powder that can kill termites by dehydrating them. Sprinkle the powder around the infested areas and in entry points. The sharp particles damage the termites’ exoskeleton, leading to dehydration and death.

Boric acid is a popular control method. Mix boric acid powder with water to create a solution and apply it to the infested areas using a brush or spray bottle. Boric acid disrupts the termites’ digestive system, eventually killing them.

Aloe vera can be used as a natural termite repellent. Extract the gel from aloe vera leaves and dilute it with water. Apply the mixture to the infested wood to repel them. Aloe vera disrupts feeding habits, reducing their impact.

A vinegar solution can help eliminate termites. Mix equal parts vinegar and water, then apply the solution to the infested areas using a spray bottle. The acidity of vinegar disrupts termites’ digestive system, killing them.

Freezing is an effective method for eliminating them from small wooden items. Place the infested items in a freezer for several days. The extreme cold will kill the termites by disrupting their metabolism.

Set up a cardboard trap by wetting several cardboard sheets and placing them near the infested area. They will be attracted to the cardboard. Once they gather on the cardboard, remove and burn it to eliminate the trapped termites.

A salt solution can help control termites. Dissolve salt in water to create a solution, then apply it to the infested areas using a spray bottle or brush. The salt dehydrates the termites, eventually killing them.

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