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Exercise and diet: 5 suggestions to make the most of your workouts

Exercise and eating are mutually beneficial. Whether you’re working out for fun or preparing for a competition, when and what you eat can have an impact on how you feel while you exercise. Keep in mind these dietary and exercise suggestions.
Get up early enough to finish breakfast at least an hour before working out if you exercise in the morning. Be well-fueled before an exercise. According to studies, consuming carbohydrates before working out might enhance exercise performance and may even enable you to go out for longer or more intensely. While you exercise, you could feel lethargic or dizzy if you don’t eat.

Have a light breakfast or sip something like water if you intend to workout within an hour of eating.
as a drink for athletes. For the most energy, concentrate on carbohydrates.
Among the top breakfast choices are:

bread or whole-grain cereal
reduced-fat milk
an orange
But keep in mind that if you typically drink coffee in the morning, a cup before working out is generally fine. And be aware that you run the danger of an upset stomach if you consume a food or beverage for the first time before working out.
When it comes to how much food you eat before working out, be careful not to overdo it. The broad recommendations recommend: hefty dinners. Consume these at least three or four hours before working out.
snacks or small meals. Consume these between one and three hours before working out.
You might feel lethargic if you overeat before working out. You might not have enough energy to feel strong throughout your workout if you eat too little.
The majority of people are able to take a little snack before and during exercise. Your feelings are crucial. Follow your best judgment. If your workout is less than 60 minutes, snacks consumed right before exercise are unlikely to provide you with more energy, but they may help you avoid disorienting hunger sensations. You might benefit from consuming a carbohydrate-rich food or beverage during an exercise that lasts longer than 60 minutes. Some tasty snack choices are:

A power bar
Apple, banana, or another type of fresh fruit
a smoothie with fruit
a bagel with healthy grains or crackers
a granola bar low in fat
One with peanut butter
diluted juice or sports drink
If you intend to work out several hours after a meal, a nutritious snack is very crucial.