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Fighting vaccine fatigue: Practical suggestions to increase acceptance

More than 6.8 million people have died worldwide as a result of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is the cause of the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

To effectively contain the present pandemic, an effective COVID-19 vaccine is essential. Many vaccines are currently commercially available in numerous nations across the world, but the possibility of vaccine tiredness has alarmed the scientific community.Clinicians encountered a staggering level of vaccine hesitation when COVID-19 vaccinations were first made available to the general public, which significantly reduced vaccination rates. The rate of vaccine reluctance, however, subsequently decreased after reaching a plateau over time.

There has been a noticeable decline in the desire to have the COVID-19 booster shot, which is also known as booster weariness or vaccine fatigue.

There have been reports of vaccine tiredness during the influenza virus outbreak, which resulted in numerous avoidable fatalities. Based on developing data, it is quite likely that a COVID-19 booster shot or seasonal vaccine will be required to stop immunity from declining and offer efficient defense against recently discovered SARS-CoV-2 mutations.

In order to prevent major vaccine hesitation or tiredness, it is critical to treat the issueWhether new primary and booster immunization campaigns need to be implemented is the subject of a recent Nature Medicine article. The new study’s researchers also looked into practical measures to increase vaccine acceptability in the future.

With the purpose of evaluating future vaccination intentions and associated behaviors, two conjoint experiments centered on Austria and Italy were developed. These studies looked into a variety of variables that affect vaccine acceptability.

Early in the summer of 2022, a study was carried out to gather data that would allow for the creation of future vaccination programs that would be more effective. The survey data was reviewed to determine if a uniform strategy or a personalized approach should be taken into consideration to lessen vaccine fatigue.