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Four behaviors that psychologists say make happy individuals

What brings you joy? Perhaps it’s rising early to watch the dawn, spending the weekend with family and friends, or taking a swim in the ocean. So what does science have to say about the behaviors of the contented?

We are aware that happy people frequently have solid interpersonal bonds, are in good physical shape, and give back to their communities.

In an effort to better my own mental health and learn how to best help others, over the past seven years, I have experimented with a variety of happiness and wellness therapies. Some tactics have been successful for me while others haven’t. Yet, this is what I’ve discovered along the way.

The truth is that we will occasionally be able to practice joyful habits.

Then there will be times when life will surprise us, which will have an impact on our happiness. The good news is that with regular practice, we can all increase our levels of happiness. My body requires consistent movement throughout the day. My body and mind do not like to sit for extended periods of time. I’ll at the very least take a brisk daily hour-long stroll. I also enjoy dancing, yoga, and swimming.

Frequent exercise and physical activity rank highly on the happiness scale because research repeatedly shows a relationship between physical activity and improved subjective wellbeing, or happiness.