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Friends of Keanu Reeves think he is about to pop the question to girlfriend Alexandra Grant, ring and all

Since they have been dating for a while, Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant have excelled at maintaining their relationship’s secrecy. Unlike many other A-list celebrities, Keanu has never been involved in a scandal or any other contentious situation.

“He invited all of their friends and family and was really excited to celebrate with her,” a friend elaborated “They’ve both had a crazy few weeks, and this was amazing. Friends hoped he would propose at the party,”

Their relationship went public in 2019 but had been in together way earlier than that, as another fiend quipped” Keanu’s relationship with Alexandra is solid, and they mutually respect and admire each other,”

“They are very similar in a lot of ways and enjoy the same things,” they elaborated “He lived a pretty solitary life for many years, so friends are happy that he has found companionship.”

Friends have great things to say about them and believe they are together for good

“They are totally committed, pals could see them getting married. They are true partners.” Added another attendee.

“He has the ring and the proposal speech all ready, but just can’t follow through insider spilled earlier this year. “He also worries about jinxing something that’s already so perfect.”

Meanwhile Keanu’s closest friends claimed that “It’s been so much fun hanging out because she’s so cool and intellectual. She constantly astounds him,” a source stated in January.