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Gender pay gap in Meta: A report reveals that in 2022, women were paid 15.7% less than men.

According to reports, Meta, the parent company of Facebook, pays its female employees less than its male employees.

Business Insider claims that the corporation continues to give women lower salaries and smaller incentives than it does to males based on its disclosures on pay equity in the UK and Ireland.

The Gender Pay Report from Meta Ireland was published in December 2022. According to the survey, Meta offices in Ireland and the UK each employ about 3,000 and 5,000 women, respectively. Around 10% of the company’s global workforce is represented by this.

Women employed by Meta in Ireland were paid 15.7% less than males in 2022. The disparity in bonus compensation, however, was greater in Ireland, with the average bonus for women being 43.3% lower than for men.

Coming to the UK, the pay gap is smaller as compared to Ireland. As per the report, the average woman working at Meta in the country was paid 2.1% less than the average man. The average bonus paid to women was 34.8% less than those paid to men.

Compared to the 2018 figures, the 2022 figures are worse as women at Facebook in 2018 were paid on average 0.9% less than men. Their bonus pay was 40% less then.

Base salary of a Meta employee starts around $150,000 (approx. ₹12,279,523) a year. As per the Business Insider report, a woman earning at Meta in Ireland can expect that a man is making about $23,000 more than her. While a woman in the UK can expect that a man makes about $3,000 more.