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heeding the inner teacher’s advice

To learn is to put information to memory via study and experience. Whatever we learn, we commit the knowledge to memory no matter how a teacher enters our life. Once a lesson has been learned, the inner teacher is then capable of recalling it at the right time in a crisis. We have successfully learned the lessons of life if we are happy with our lives, our relationships, our homes, and the way things are for us. Based on what our inner teacher has taught us, we have made wise decisions.

Our mind serves as our inner instructor. It uses all of our life’s events, along with the lessons we’ve learned, as well as all of our feelings and observations, to convey a message to us. We can choose to listen or not.
We must be able to express our needs. Asking for what we need in a crisis is necessary. We should complete whatever tasks we identify as necessary as quickly as we can. Finding a solution or an alternative is necessary if we find ourselves in an uncomfortable circumstance and the breaking point arrives.

We must open every door we can see when one closes so that we can choose the appropriate one to enter. All of this is accomplished using the lessons we have discovered. Instead, if we keep asking “why me?” nothing will change. Yet if we reply, “I’ll find a solution since it is what it is,” we feel stronger and the mind starts working on solutions.
So how does it function? When the mind has an idea, the intellect determines what to do with it, and this action or response is repeated enough times, it develops into a habit. The mind becomes clear and at ease if the mental process is useful and a helpful habit forms, and there is success.

We also need to find peaceful ways to resolve situations. The lesson of karma says whatever I give out will come back to me. However, whatever is happening to us is actually of benefit to us, if we use wisdom. We need to develop love and respect for ourselves so that we feel we are worth making the right decisions for. Self-actualisation means to be all that I can be. So, we need to ask if we are living to our full potential. To have a fully experienced life, we need to give time to understand the spiritual dimension. With the awareness that we are spiritual beings occupying the body, we are able to form a relationship with the Supreme Being and take power from that Being, to enable us to steer our lives in the right direction.We also need to find peaceful ways to resolve situations.