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I was mistaken about my immunity till I had my checkup. Here is what I discovered!

Welcome Ritika. a 26-year-old working professional who has spent more than a year working from home because of the COVID pandemic. She exercises twice weekly and spends an hour in the sun each day to maintain her vitamin D levels because she takes pride in her physical fitness. Despite being youthful and taking all the necessary precautions to stay healthy, she was alarmingly susceptible to basic ailments like the flu and the common cold.

Ritika chose to enroll in the Apollo ProHealth program on the advise of a close friend after one especially bad flu episode. She started her ProHealth adventure by completing a “personalised Health Risk Assessment” (pHRA) questionnaire since she desired a customized program.

The pHRA from Apollo ProHealth examines four components of an individual’s.Medical History – Questions in this section ask about any previously identified ailments, diseases, or operations.
Family history – This section includes any illnesses or disorders that have run in the family.

Lifestyle habits – This part asks about your food, exercise routines, and usage of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.
Present state: This part covers any symptoms or complaints that are currently present, mental health, sleep quality, and stress levels.
She was given a full whole-body regimen when the pHRA was finished.

Ritika thought her overall health was in good shape and didn’t anticipate any major shocks in her evaluation report. Now, she was about to get a nasty shock!When Ritika’s doctor walked her through her report, to her surprise, she found that her immune system was weak. She was also at risk of developing a variety of lifestyle diseases, even though she did not smoke, was a teetotaler, and followed a vegetarian diet!

It was difficult to believe that a young working professional, who had healthy habits, would have a weak immune system.

The first thing her ProHealth physician asked her to do was not to panic. He explained to her that every individual’s body is a set of unique and complex biochemical reactions. Therefore, while it was great that she did the basic things right such as exercise regularly, not smoke, etc., but to truly be healthy she needs to first understand the unique demands of her body and then follow a health program tailored to her needs and lifestyle.

As we delve deeper into Ritika’s journey, let’s also understand how immunity plays a vital role in keeping us healthy and safe.