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Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan for Free

You’ve heard of folks who have gone weeks or even months without eating?

That’s because our bodies are built with two different ways to obtain energy. If you consume a lot of carbohydrates each day, your body may burn glucose. Your body will begin burning more fat if it runs out of glucose or is depleted of it (such as if you follow a ketogenic diet).

So a ketogenic diet is fantastic if you’re trying to reduce weight, especially fat.

Your body will convert any extra body fat into ketones, which it then uses as its primary energy source. We refer to being in a state of ketosis when your body begins to burn more ketones.Each person will require a different amount of food to enter ketosis. Your body fat percentage, your weight loss goals, and the amount of activity you get all have an impact. In order to determine your precise macros, we advise using our Keto Calculator (how many calories of fat, protein, and carbohydrates to eat).

This will provide you with a reliable estimate to utilize as a starting point for your keto diet.

We place a lot of emphasis on avoiding processed foods and eating a lot of vegetables, regardless of the diet you pick. We include cauliflower salads and green smoothies in our food plan because of this. Keto involves more than just consuming a lot of fat!

A ketogenic diet isn’t right for everyone. While many ancestral tribes may have been in ketosis for a few months at a time (e.g., the Inuits during the winter months), most people have not been on a ketogenic diet long term.

What that suggests is that keto diet is a fantastic tool to use when you want to lose weight without feeling hungry for a few months. But it doesn’t need to be something you do all the time. For most healthy folks, we suggest switching between a Paleo diet (that’s higher in clean carbohydrates) and a ketogenic diet (that’s lower in carbohydrates).

Also, if you have existing health issues, it’s always good to get those checked out and fixed before starting any diet!