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Man awoken by his wife’s scream after his toe was chewed to the bone by his dog, but hospitaI scans reveaIed the unthinkabIe!

According to his famiIy, the retired man’s life may have been saved by an unlikely hero, his puppy who chewed his big toe down to the b0ne. The 64-year-old man, David, was shocked by his wife’s scream one morning while he lay asleep on their sofa.

To his shock, he found that his right big toe was a gruesome, bIoody stump. The culprit behind this horrifying scene was none other than his seven-month-old bulldog puppy, HarIey, who had gnawed his toe while he slept, even cracking the bone and leaving the toenail hanging by a thread.

However, what initially appeared to be a gruesome accident turned out to be a potential life-saver. Subsequent medical examinations revealed that David had lost feeling in his feet due to two blocked arteries in his legs. Read the full story here ▶