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She was 36 weeks pregnant when her husband abandoned her, ‘then saw something in the oven and bursted in tears’!

All too often, we hear about women being left while pregnant. The man who was supposed to look after her and her unborn child left with nothing.

Having a baby is life-changing, it is also something that is meant to be a happy occasion, for both parents. But for this woman, being pregnant and expecting her first child was not a happy time at all. In fact, it was more of a nightmare.

Amanda and her husband were having a hard time conceiving a child. For many people, not being able to have a baby can completely destroy a relationship, and for Amanda, this was her reality completely. Try as they might, there was just no baby on the cards for the unhappy couple.

And more and more problems came from it. But one day, the unexpected happened. Amanda fell pregnant, but little did she know, she would soon be left a single mother in severe debt. Amanda’s husband left her, along with their debt and a house to look after all alone. She was 8 months pregnant at the time.

A close friend of Amanda’s had enough of watching her friend suffer. Shortly after, he decided to call into radio show KIIS 1065. Luckily, the station agreed that Amanda needed help, and they were ready to step in to get her the help she needed. They invited Amanda and her friend, Anna to the show. Amanda realized that there was a camera crew at her house, they gifted her a brand new vacuum cleaner along with 6 months of free house cleaning. But that was not all! Inside her refrigerator was a gift voucher from Fit Food, who would deliver meals for the next three months. On the counter baby supplies to the value of $4,000 was waiting for her, along with a $1000 voucher for baby photos, something every mother deserves.

The best was yet to come for the pregnant, single mother. Next, the crew opened the door to her oven. Inside, was a whopping $10,000 cash. Her mortgage would no longer be a worry for Amanda, and she could focus on herself and her soon-to-be-born little one. “That is a big wad of cash. We will be helping you out with your mortgage. That is $10,000 right there, in cash. There’s another stress taken away.” We often have no idea what people are dealing with, a little kindness goes a long way, and while we obviously can not offer tons of money and free supplies to every single pregnant women out there, we as people can always be kind.