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Shocking Misdiagnosis: Young Athlete Loses Limbs After Doctors Mistake Meningitis for Flu!

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, 24-year-old Davide Morana, a passionate sports enthusiast, lost his arms and legs after a severe case of meningitis was initially misdiagnosed as the flu.

Living in Murcia, Spain, Davide fell ill in January, suffering from a fever and sore jaw. Despite seeking medical help and undergoing tests, doctors sent him home, believing he had the flu. His condition quickly worsened, leading to severe symptoms and a life-threatening battle with multiple organ failure.

Rushed back to the hospital, Davide was correctly diagnosed with meningitis. In just days, the infection caused devastating damage, forcing surgeons to amputate his limbs to save his life.

Now, confined to a bed and relying on others for everything, Davide has launched a crowdfunding campaign with a goal of £87,720 to acquire prosthetic limbs and regain his independence.

Despite his ordeal, Davide’s resilience shines through. Described as full of energy and maintaining a positive attitude, he even managed to joke about his situation shortly after surgery. His determination has inspired his family and friends, as he looks forward to rebuilding his life.

Help Davide reclaim his independence by supporting his crowdfunding campaign. Every contribution brings him one step closer to a new beginning.