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Teen Crushed by Forklift Chooses to Have Half His Body Amputated So He Can Live

As per reports, 19 yearold Lorraine Showers of Great Falls, Montana was in the process of driving a forklift truck across a bridge when it fell and plummeted 50ft to the ground.

The teenager was left trapped under the fourtonne vehicle. Loren, conscious the entire time, watched as his right arm was crushed and the bottom half of his body was pinned down by the truck.

As a result of his injuries, the 19 year old was left with a heartbreaking decision have the lower half of his body amputated or face certain death. His girlfriend Sabia said goodbye to Lorenz six times while he was in hospital. Doctors repeatedly told her he wouldn’t live another day, and yet he somehow managed to pull through. The pair, who had been together for 18 months at the time of the accident, got engaged to each other earlier this year. Read the full story here ▶