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The full stop helps us avoid a lot of hassle

How we punctuate our thoughts determines, to a considerable extent, our state of mind. Learning correct punctuation in the mind can save us a lot of time, energy, and trouble.
When we encounter an unexpected or unwanted situation, we often punctuate our thoughts with a question mark, “Why are they doing this?”, “How dare they…?”, “Can this ever happen?”
The result is a train of thoughts speculating on the possible reasons for the situation. We may conjecture about the intentions of other people, or even attribute motives to them. The surmising is not limited to our thoughts, and spills over into talk, which usually takes the form of gossip. The result is considerable expenditure of time and energy with little achieved in return. Instead, we may lose our peace of mind, have our judgment skewed, and end up with a heavy head.

When we use a comma to separate our thoughts in reaction to a certain circumstance, it is a little different. We might not think twice about why people or things are the way they are, yet… Our “ifs” and “buts” cause a series of draining thoughts to commence. Yet, thinking along the lines of “on the other hand,” “on the contrary,” or “if only…” has a comparable impact. When we perceive people or events in a specific way, we tend to voice our opinions on how they should be or what other people should do rather than accepting them without passing judgment or attempting to understand why they are the way they are. The best of intentions are frequently the result of limited information, a lack of comprehension, or impetuous behavior that leads us to freely pass judgment or offer unsolicited counsel.

Spiritual knowledge helps us punctuate our thoughts in such a way as to prevent or stop unnecessary and faulty thinking, and the consequent misunderstandings.
Knowing that all of us are souls, children of the Supreme Soul, creates bonds of spiritual kinship that foster better understanding of others. Recognising the fact that each soul is playing its unique role in the drama of life helps us to appreciate differences of opinion and way of life that can often cause mistrust, antipathy, and conflict. Acknowledging each soul as a child of God fosters greater acceptance and respect for the heterogeneity we see among people.
Then, understanding the law of karma – that we reap what we sow, and it is our thoughts, attitudes, and actions that determine our experiences – gives us the answers to many a ‘why’.
In essence, when we apply spiritual knowledge in our daily life, it enables us to put a full stop to unnecessary thinking – saving our time, energy, and peace of mind.