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The Milkmaid’s Daughter Married an Old Millionaire, but When the Wedding Night Came

The milkmaid’s daughter Angel, who grew up taking care of her family after her father’s death, defied societal expectations when she married an old millionaire. Despite her friends mocking her and predicting she would give birth to ugly children, the wedding night revealed a surprising truth. Angel, who had assumed maturity came with age, discovered it was actually the acceptance of responsibility that defined maturity.

The story begins with Angel, only five years old, taking on the role of caretaker for her family after her father’s tragic death. As she grew up, she dreamed of becoming a fashion model but was mocked by her peers due to her humble background. One day, while selling dairy products on the road, a wealthy man offered to buy everything from her tray, saving her from the harsh conditions. Read the full story here ▶