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The New COVID Variants’ Secret Reality and How to Avoid Contracting Them

Umesh is a software developer who, due to the nature of his work, spends the most of his time in front of a computer. Yet he makes care to stay active and deliberately carves out time each day for gym workouts.

He had received the COVID-19 immunization in its initial dose. He was still concerned about getting COVID, though, because of the new corona variations. When he began to feel tired, his anxiety changed to alarm, and even after a week, this tiredness and lethargy persisted. In reality, he began to experience intense physical discomfort, a headache, and indicators of an escalation in body temperature.

He underwent an RT-PCR test to find COVID after displaying symptoms that might have been COVID. He was shocked to discover that he had contracted a more recent COVID form.

The Apollo ProHealth CoRe (Covid Recovery) program, which could be completed at home and helped participants regain their best health, was fortunately recommended to him by one of his gym buddies who had a similar experience.

He began his experience with ProHealth by answering questions on a “personalized Health Risk Assessment” (pHRA) form.

The pHRA from Apollo ProHealth examines four areas of a person’s health:Once the pHRA was completed, he was recommended a personalized, comprehensive health program designed specifically for recovering from COVID, known as CoRe (Covid Recovery). Through a home sample collection and a tailored health risk assessment, the CoRe program assessed his current health condition. The CoRe program’s physician-guided path to wellness, along with follow-ups by a health mentor, paved the way to help him recover better and improve his chances of a full recovery.

One of the primary challenges for Umesh was to get over the disappointment of contracting the virus despite taking precautions and being injected by the first dose of vaccine.

The first thing his ProHealth physician asked him to do was not to panic and helped guide him to a positive frame of mind. He explained to him that this particular virus affects everyone in different ways, and that it was good that his symptoms were detected at an early stage.