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The third trimester has begun! What you should do and learn is listed below

a third of a pregnancy. the finishing stretch. the remaining seconds. Mama, is it really true that you will soon meet your child? You might feel a little slower throughout the third trimester of your pregnancy, but your baby is actually working hard to gain weight and get ready for their big entrance.

You’re probably also thinking about labor and delivery. At this point, it can be difficult to predict how everything will turn out. But, using this opportunity to get ready can boost your confidence for the big occasion. You may obtain the assistance you need without getting bogged down in unnecessary information with bite-sized seminars designed especially for this stage of your pregnancy.

Your baby is rapidly growing weight, practicing breathing, and preparing for delivery throughout the third trimester. Most babies turn head down for labor as your due date draws near, so you won’t feel as many “kicks and flips” since they are running out of room. As the weeks pass, you could feel less energised, save from possibly having the impulse to “nest” or get your home ready for the arrival of your baby. This is similar to how your kid’s activity slows down.

Backaches, sleeplessness, and heartburn are also frequent. But, if you experience a rapid change in your health, such as swollen feet or a severe headache, call your doctor straight once.

You ought to be accustomed to and at ease with your supplier by this point, who you might visit each other week and then every week as you get close to your due date. In addition to checking on your baby and your health during these visits, a birth plan should also be a topic of conversation. With the tools, explanations and resources, Motherly’s digital Third Trimester classes are designed to help you feel empowered as you get closer and closer to *birth day.*
Common physical symptoms during the third trimester
As you close in on giving birth, your body is gearing up for the task ahead. That can look (and feel) like some major and occasionally uncomfortable changes. In Motherly’s Your Body in the Third Trimester Class, Pediatric Nurse and Certified Doula Diana Spalding covers what to know about changes to your body and upcoming doctors appointments.

What to know about Group B Strep
Between weeks 35 and 37 of pregnancy, your health care provider will likely perform a Group B Strep (GBS) test by swapping your vagina and rectum. GBS is a commonly found bacteria that is harmless to you, but can be serious for a baby if it is passed to them during delivery. The good news is that this hazard can be effectively avoided with antibiotics during labor.

What to know about pregnancy sex
As your body changes through pregnancy, there can be some new questions and concerns about intimacy. Although every person and every couple’s experiences will vary during pregnancy, this can be a very sensuous time. In Motherly’s Sex + Relationships During Pregnancy Class, you will get insight and support for your love life.