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The unexpected health advantages of oats

Oats are a well-known nutritious food source that are rich in fiber and other essential nutrients. Some of the health advantages are shared.

If you follow these instructions, picking the right oats will be simple.

Oats are inexpensive.
Even while the simple oat lacks superfood classification (or the corresponding price tag), it is nutrient-dense. Half a cup of oats provides roughly 15% of your daily needs for fiber, which is great for your digestive system. Even more unique forms of fiber, such as beta-glucan, found in oats support a healthy heart by lowering cholesterol levels. In comparison to many other grains, oats provide greater protein. In addition, they are a form of whole grain, and consuming enough of them is connected to a decreased risk of risk of heart disease, diabetes and bowel cancer.

They are frequently bought in rolled or quick/instant form. Both provide the benefits of wholegrain oats, but the difference is that fast oats are chopped finely before rolling. Because of this, quick oats cook more quickly and digest more quickly. As a result, eating quick oats won’t make you feel as full or satisfied as eating conventional rolled oats will.

Porridge sachets aren’t always the greatest option because they typically contain quick-cook oats and flavorings with added sugars. Choose a simple sachet and add your own flavor with fresh fruit if you’re looking for convenience. Alternatively, check for no-added-sugar sachets that are fortified with nutritious nuts and seeds.

You can now buy porridge oats with added ingredients like quinoa, rye, barley, nuts and seeds. These options are a smart purchase because they mean you’re getting a greater variety of nutrients in your brekkie bowl. When picking the best oats to put in your shopping trolley look for:

Plenty of fibre. The more, the better. If you’re buying a sachet, use the ‘per serve’ column to compare brands. If you’re buying a bulk bag, look at the per 100g column to find the highest-fibre content product.
Minimal sugar. If you love flavoured sachets, look for a brand with less than 10g sugar per 100g. If there’s dried fruit in the product, a little more than 10g per 100g is okay.
Sensible portion size. One benefit of buying porridge sachets is they’re pre-portioned.