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This Toddler Locked Himself In The Car. While In Serious Danger He Can’t Stop Laughing At Firefighters Trying To Save Him!

One of the most joyful sights that a parent can hope to see is the happy, healthy, laughing, smiling face of their child. That was exactly how Kristy Green’s 14 month old son Brandon Emery looked while the pair were out shopping for groceries in Bude, England.

However there was one slight problem to the otherwise cheerful scene, Brandon had managed to lock himself inside the car and his mother had no way to reach him!

It all started when Kristy left the store and headed out to her car in the parking lot to offload the goods she had just purchased. Brandon was in a mischievous, energetic mood and kept trying to stand up in the cart, so she decided to place him in the backseat to ensure he wouldn’t fall over and get hurt. Read the full story here ▶