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Across the world, millions of people suffer with sciatica. It is a form of pain that starts in the lower back and travels down the legs as a result of sciatic nerve compression or irritation. It can be painful and incapacitating, making it challenging for people to go about their everyday lives.

The good news is that there are several options available for treating sciatica. The use of workouts that specifically target the sciatic nerve is one such approach. With the help of these exercises, the nerve can be relieved of stress and tension, which can lessen pain and suffering.

The Piriformis Stretch is one of the best exercises for treating sciatica. Deep within the glutes and the piriformis muscle is can put pressure on the sciatic nerve when it becomes tight or inflamed. By stretching this muscle, you can help relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve and reduceFollow these instructions to complete the piriformis stretch:

Your feet should be flat on the ground as you lay on your back with your knees bent.
Just above the knee, place your left ankle on your right one.
Pulling your right knee toward your chest, wrap your hands around your right leg.
30 seconds should be spent in this position before releasing.
Place your right ankle on your left knee and perform the stretch again on the other side.
The Knee to Chest Stretch is another another efficient sciatic pain-relieving exercisae. Stretching the lower back muscles with this exercise can aid the sciatic nerve by relieving pressure. Follow these steps to do the knee to chest stretch:

Lay on your back, legs bent, and feet flat on the ground.

Bring one knee up toward your chest and hold it with both hands.
Hold this position for 30 seconds and then release.
Repeat the stretch with your other leg.
In addition to these exercises, there are several other ways to relieve sciatic pain. These include: