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Three things you should understand before having PRK surgery

For those who have tried and failed to treat their eyes with LASIK or another laser vision correction technique, PRK surgery is a great option. The drawback of PRK is that its effects are not long-lasting. You must be aware of what to do following Melbourne PRK surgery if you want to stop your eyesight from worsening over time. A more sophisticated type of laser eye surgery called PRK. The cornea is removed using a different kind of laser, and is then changed out with a transparent contact lens made of plastic. Although less intrusive than LASIK, the treatment may require multiple visits to your eye doctor until you feel comfortable with the healing process.

A type of laser eye surgery known as PRK, or photorefractive keratectomy, is used to treat vision issues brought on by refractive error (nearsightedness), myopia (farsightedness), or astigmatism (curved vision). The cornea is removed during this treatment, and an artificial material, such as an intraocular lens, is used in its place (IOL). The IOLs are implanted in the eye to magnify incoming light and to replace the natural lens.

Be sure you are aware of the potential risks and side effects of PRK before deciding whether to have it. Before having PRK surgery, you should be aware of the following three things:

1. You need a strong prescriptionIf you’re going to get PRK surgery, you’ll likely need a strong prescription (a prescription of at least -13.00) to be eligible for the procedure. If you don’t have one, or if your cornea is too thin, then you may not be able to get this procedure done. The laser is focused on your cornea, not your eye, so it’s very important that you keep your eye closed and cover your cornea with a patch for the entire procedure. There is a small chance of damage if the laser is too powerful or if it gets too close to an existing cataract or other problems in your eye. In this case, there is no turning back, so make sure that you have discussed all of these issues with your doctor before making an appointment for PRK surgery.

2. You’ll need to be under general anesthesia
Patients who undergo PRK surgery will typically be given general anesthesia because the procedure requires special equipment and specialized training for doctors who perform it. The recovery time from PRK surgery can take up to six weeks, so most patients will spend at least a few days in the hospital following their procedure before they can return home with their vision restored!

3. Is PRK Right for You?
PRK is a relatively new technology that can be used to treat patients with a range of different refractive errors and keratoconus. It has the advantage of being non-surgical, meaning there are no incisions or stitches to heal afterward. Over time, however, it has developed into one of the most popular refractive procedures in the world today. The main drawback is that it is not as effective as LASIK or other laser eye surgery options when it comes to correcting vision for patients with myopia (nearsightedness).