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Toddler Tells Mom He Sees a baby At Night, Mom Instals Camera

Five-year-old Charlie was always such an easy child. He went to bed when asked, ate all the meals his mom would make for him, and was kind to everyone he met. Everything seemed to be fine until one day the voice in his room would not let him go to sleep. On a Tuesday afternoon, Jessica waited for her husband and son to get back home while preparing lunch. She got interrupted by a call from Charlie’s school. The concerned teacher tried to ask why Charlie had been so sleepy and tired lately. Throughout the entire day, distraught by the news she received, Jessica started setting up the table with an uneasy feeling in her stomach.

Jessica and her husband directly took initiative after they became aware of the issue at hand. While having lunch together, Jessica asked Charlie the same question that she was asked by the teacher. But she was given an answer that would make her entire body crawl. « The little boy doesn’t let me sleep at night, » Charlie said, munching on his meal nonchalantly. Alarmed by their son’s words, Jessica and David set up a camera in Charlie’s room. They made sure they placed it at a time when their son was not home and in a place he could not reach. They did not want to frighten their son. Read the full story here ▶