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Top 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Meeting Your Postpartum Fitness Goals + Physical Therapy Tips

The physical changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth are only one of the obstacles that come with being a mother, which is a life-changing experience in and of itself. After giving baby, it’s common to desire to get back to your pre-pregnancy level of fitness and feel strong and healthy. But many new mothers have trouble reaching their postpartum fitness objectives. You’re not alone if you’re feeling irritated and unsure of where to begin.

The top 10 reasons you might be having trouble reaching your postpartum fitness goals are covered in this article, along with some physical therapy advice to help you get over them. We have you covered whether you’re experiencing stress, sleep deprivation, or postpartum issues. You can reach your postpartum fitness goals if you have the correct attitude and support.

You are not allowing enough time for yourself.
You’re not giving yourself enough time to achieve your postpartum fitness goals, which is the first and possibly most significant factor. It’s critical to keep in mind that your body has recently undergone a significant transformation and requires time to mend and recover. Rushing into a fitness regimen can be detrimental rather than beneficial. Be kind to yourself and move slowly.

Start with easy exercises like walking and pelvic floor exercises in physical therapy. Over time, gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts.You don’t get enough rest.

For new mothers, sleep deprivation is a typical issue. Fatigue, low energy, and a diminished desire to exercise might result from not getting enough sleep. To guarantee that you have the energy you need to achieve your fitness goals, it is crucial to prioritize your sleep.

Physical therapy advice: Make an effort to obtain as much sleep as you can. Take naps when your infant is sleeping and seek for help from friends and family members.
You’re not eating a balanced diet

A balanced diet is essential for postpartum recovery and for meeting your fitness goals. If you’re not eating a balanced diet, you may not have the energy or nutrients your body needs to exercise.

Physical Therapy Tip: Focus on eating a variety of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Consult with a registered dietitian if you need help developing a meal plan.