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Treatments Using Bee Pollen For Anemia, Infertility, And More

One of the foods highest in vitamins, minerals, and carbs is pollen, which also contains protein. It contains all of the essential amino acids as well as vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K, amines, sterol, lecithin, and nucleons.

Potassium, magnesium, calcium, silicon, phosphorus, manganese, sulfur, copper, iron, and chlorine are all present in pollen. Like pure nectar honey, it also has enzymes in it. Ferments that support crucial organic processes are known as enzymes.

Vitamin P, which is abundant in pollen and boosts resistance and prevents embolism. It contains extremely potent antibiotics as well as carotene, a provitamin that the body converts to vitamin A.

Pollen has a wide range of characteristics. A pollen extract called carnitine is used to treat measles, the flu, and urinary problems.In actuality, pollen’s potential are really endless. It maintains the balance and controls the organic processes, treats diarrhea, detoxifies, vitaminizes, makes up for dietary deficiencies, provides minerals and proteins, strengthens the body’s natural defenses against the common cold and bronchitis, and avoids metabolic diseases.

Also, it is recommended in situations of rheumatism, anorexia, and sexual reticence (frigidity ). Consequently, aphrodisiac is so named. It helps prevent weight loss, balding, skin dryness, and brittleness.

Moreover, it strengthens blood vessels; is used to treat insomnia, depressive disorders, and neurasthenia; and is an effective treatment for anemia, atherosclerosis, and memory loss. Because it increases the amount of red blood cells and has other benefits including preventing eye fatigue and hungerEnergetic remedy with bee pollen. Take 250 grams of pollen daily mixed with one cup of skimmed natural yogurt. Consume daily for three consecutive days.

Remedy with bee pollen to achieve smoothness of the skin Consume 1/2 teaspoon of bee pollen mixed with a glass of water every day

Remedy with bee pollen for bronchitis and pulmonary catarrh. Add between 1/2 and 1 teaspoon of bee pollen in a glass of orange juice or grapefruit and take daily until this disorder disappears

Remedy with bee pollen for colitis Mix 3 teaspoons of bee pollen in a glass of natural skimmed yogurt. Take daily until you feel an improvement.

Bee Pollen Remedy for Diarrhea: Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with one of bee pollen on a slice of bread. Consume slowly. This remedy should not be given to children under five years of age.

Remedy with bee pollen for throat affections. Pour 1/2 teaspoon of pollen into an orange juice. Take a glass of this juice for 3 days.

Remedy with bee pollen for anemia. Consume 1/2 tablespoon in the morning and 2 teaspoons in the afternoon.

Remedy with bee pollen for atherosclerosis. Take 1 teaspoon daily by combining it with regular consumption of lemon, apples, garlic, and onion.

Remedy with bee pollen for fatigue (physical and cerebral). Consume 3 tablespoons a day. One in the morning, another in the afternoon and the rest of the evening until we get over the discomfort.