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When on a diet, there are 4 eating behaviors to avoid!

People frequently commit the error of missing meals while on a diet, which causes their bodies to go without food for an extended length of time. Contrary to popular opinion, this won’t actually aid in weight loss even though it may assist reduce the overall number of calories consumed every meal. Skipping a meal lowers blood sugar levels, stimulates the body to retain fat, slows metabolism, makes you hungrier and make you eat more at your next meal. Rather, limit your portion amounts by eating small meals frequently. Moreover, never skip breakfast because your body requires the nutrition to function properly after a night of fasting.

Are you pleased with yourself for requesting a salad the previous weekend? A salad is a nutritious choice, but it may also come with a very fatty, heavy dressing. Your salad would end up being an unhealthy decision as a result. Watch what you eat, even if it’s just a small amount of sauce. The calories present in liquids other than water are another instance of hidden calories. Alcohol, juices, sodas, and other aerated liquids with high calorie and sugar content should be avoided.

While eating on regular intervals is recommended, it’s also important to keep a watch on what you’re eating. Choose healthy snacking options such as fruits, yoghurt, cereals, etc. rather than processed snacks, packed juices and junk food. Also, snacking late in the night is a strict no-no.

As the day progresses, your body slows down. Hence, it’s always advisable to eat small portions and a light dinner as your metabolism and digestive functions are slower at this time. You should also eat your last meal at least a couple of hours before you sleep.

Avoid these 4 habits to make your diet more effective. However, every person’s body is different and so are their dietary needs. For best results, consult our top Diet and Nutritionist at Ask Apollo, who will help you design a diet plan especially suited for your body, lifestyle, tastes and requirements.