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Cat Wont Stop Staring At Dad All Night, Dad Checks Video And Realizes Why

Daniel can’t believe what he’s seeing. This video was actual proof. Finally, some answers to the hundreds of questions he had. As he rewinds and watches the video again, a feeling of uncertainty creeps upon him. He always knew Muffins was a strange cat, but still he never expected this, not in a million years. Ever since Daniel Hawkins and his family picked out Muffins just over four years ago, Muffins instantly became a part of the family. He was just a mere kitten when Daniel picked him up and looked at him.

How could Daniel turn away this cute kitten? And so the Hawkins family gained another family member in the form of a white, fluffy feline. Look, little did they know what this cat would have in store for them. Daniel’s two kids absolutely loved Muffins. Read the full story here ▶